Re: FVWM: Screen-edge behavior

From: Eddy J. Gurney <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 13:23:54 -0400

On Aug 6 at 9:38, ToyKeeper wrote:
| The other change I'm looking for has to do with clicking at the screen
| edges. For me, this always brings up a root-window menu, regardless of
| what window the mouse is really in. This is annoying, because it
| prevents me from resizing maximized windows..
I complained about this also. It is definitely very annoying. It is like
the mouse button clicks always "see" the root window at the edges, even
if another window is overlapping it. (i.e., if a window frame as at the
bottom edge, you cannot grab the bottom edge and resize the window.)

What I did to fix it was to change this line in fvwm.h:


It may or may not do what you want...

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