FVWM: Drag Windows across desktops

From: Charles Gagnon <charlesg_at_Basit.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 11:06:38 -0400

What's the option that allows me to drag a window across
desktops just by dragging it. My fvwm2 use to it but now, if
I drag a window to the border of the desk, it stays there and
it doesn't shift to the other desk.

I figured it was a compile option since it works on AIX with
the same fvwm2rc file. The platform I have problems with is
a Solaris 2.6 box running fvwm-2.0.46.


Charles Gagnon                   | My views are my views and they
Collective Technologies          | do not represent those of anybody
a Pencom Company                 | but me.
Charlesg_at_CollTech.COM            |
   Is a shelless turtle homeless or just naked?
        -- Dennis Miller
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