RE: FVWM: FvwmButton problem

From: Hermes, Stefan <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 10:04:25 +0100

How about using a wrapper around the applications, which checks if they are
already running in $MAXCOUNT instances, with maxcount an parameter
for the wrapperscript?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: luis fernandes []
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 1998 8:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: FVWM: FvwmButton problem
> (First, let me just say that yes, I've read FAQ #10.)
> We've just installed fvwm2 as the default wm in the EE department and
> are using the FvwmButtons module.
> Our biggest problem is:
> 1) Win95 users who double-click the buttons and unintentionally end
> up having 2 applications running.
> 2) Multiple invocations of a single application because some
> applications (netscape, matlab maple (symbolic math package)) take
> about 30 seconds to start-up; i.e. for the window to be mapped on
> the screen. Users click once, after 3 seconds nothing happens so
> they click again...and again...
> So, basically, we need a solution to 1) prevent multiple applications
> starting-up when the user clearly did not intend it. I thought about
> playing with the double-click time, but this will interfere with
> other things like de-iconifying. (Killing the students is not a
> solution, their tution fees pay my salary.)
> 2) fvwm to give some indication that an application is starting until
> the time when the window is mapped on the desktop.
> I remember someone posting some fvwm2rc code with the buttons bound
> to a function called Raise-Or-Exec which exec'd an app if it wasn't
> already running otherwise raised the app-window. (I lost the post.)
> Does someone have code that does this? It would alleviate the problem
> somewhat.
> The only suggestion I can offer is that having a timeout of xxx
> seconds on a button would help; i.e. a new app will run only xxx
> seconds *after* the button was last pressed. This can be implemented
> via the XtAddTimeout() function.
> Perhaps, a "watch" cursor indicator when the mouse is on the
> buttonbar would be nice (until the window has been mapped).
> Please email me any suggestions you may have.
> --
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Received on Fri Jul 17 1998 - 04:08:17 BST

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