FVWM: Wine question

From: Michael M Han <han_at_windy.ckm.ucsf.edu>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 23:56:51 -0700

Hello all, I recently noticed something odd. Wine, when it opens a new
window managed by the WM, is supposed to set the class resource to
"Wine." Under fvwm 2.0.43->2.0.47b with Wine's from a year ago to
current versions, FVWM doesn't seem to catch this. For a long long
time I thought Wine just neglected to set this, but after reading some
source yesterday it looks like it does try to set "Wine."

Has anyone got any idea why this is happening? I use FvwmIdent and my
Wine windows come back with NoResource and NoClass. Trying to Style
"Wine" is also futile. I've run RH Linux 4.1 for a long time now, with
Accelerated-X 2.1 and fvwm-2.0.43 and up. I've also tried various
releases of Wine over the past year.

I really don't know much about Xlib else I'd try to figure this out
myself. Well, I'll probably try anyway, but don't expect to make much
progress. Anyway, any insight would be appreciated.

Also, I noticed that unmanaged Wine windows are Sticky and StaysOnTop,
which I didn't realize was not supposed to be the case. Any ideas on
that one either? Apparently it's the same deal under IRIX 4Dwm, for
unknown reasons. I'll also be asking the wine newsgroup, but if anyone
here's knowledgable about wine, I thought it'd be worth a shot.
Michael Han (han_at_library.ucsf.edu) voice: (415) 502-7542
Interactive Learning Center Consultant (415) 476-4309
San Francisco, California 94143-0840 fax: (415) 476-4653
"I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "I drank what?"

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