FVWM: nice feature needed

From: Neil Zanella <nzanella_at_cs.mun.ca>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 1998 17:05:17 -0230 (NDT)


I think this is present in Afterstep to some extent but I am not sure.

This is a pager:

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| | <---- clicking on this button with mouse 1 launches an application
| | <---- clicking this button with mouse 3 causes the following ....
|-----| see below
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| | | | | | < hey, we can now choose from 4 other things
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The purpose of this is:

1) we can save desktop space and avoid cluttering

2) we can group applications of similar functionality together on the pager


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Received on Fri Jun 19 1998 - 14:35:48 BST

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