FVWM: bug in fvwm

From: Neil Zanella <nzanella_at_cs.mun.ca>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 23:27:34 -0230 (NDT)


Here is the bug:

One of the window buttons's behavior is defined by the following code:

Mouse 1 4 N Maximize 0 100
Mouse 2 4 N Maximize 100 0
Mouse 3 4 N Iconify

... so I open an xterm and clcik with mouse button 1 on window button 4.
The window becomes tall as expected. Then I click with mouse button 2 on
window button 4. The window shrinks back to the origial size. I have to
click again with mouse button 2 on window button 4 to maximize it horizontally.

I thought it should work as follows:

clicking Mouse button 1 should maximize vertical, and then clicking
Mouse button 2 should maximize horizontal so that the combined action should
be a "Maximize (both horizontally and vertically)".

The same error happens with the following entry:

Mouse 0 2 N Maximize

I click mouse 0, button 2 and then mouse 1 button 4. Instead of shrinking
and giving me the horizontal window it restores to the original size.

Either this is a bug or I am missing something.



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Received on Sun Jun 07 1998 - 20:58:02 BST

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