Re: FVWM: Some Default Decor ...

From: Andre Bonhote <>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2001 10:00:51 +0100

hm, once again, i was too quick answering.

i am using this version (from cvs of the same day):

andre_at_grischun02:~ > fvwm2 -version
FVWM version 2.3.29 compiled on Mar 2 2001 at 16:20:22
with support for: ReadLine, XPM, GNOME WM hints, SM

and now have these lines in my rc:

DestroyFunc InitializeDecor
AddToFunc InitializeDecor
+ I DestroyDecor $0
+ I AddToDecor $0
+ I + TitleStyle RightJustified
+ I + ButtonStyle All ActiveUp (-- flat) Inactive (-- flat)
+ I + ButtonStyle All -- UseTitleStyle
+ I + ButtonStyle 4 8 70x10_at_0 30x10_at_0 30x50_at_0 10x50_at_0 50x90_at_0 90x50_at_1
70x50_at_1 70x10_at_1
+ I + ButtonStyle 1 13 90x10_at_0 10x10_at_0 10x20_at_0 50x20_at_1 10x60_at_0 30x60_at_0
30x90_at_0 70x90_at_1 70x60_at_1 90x60_at_1 50x20_at_1 90x20_at_1 90x10_at_1
+ I + ButtonStyle 2 8 50x10_at_0 10x50_at_0 30x50_at_0 30x90_at_0 70x90_at_1 70x50_at_1
90x50_at_1 50x10_at_1
+ I + TitleStyle -- flat
+ I + BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles NoInset

Function InitializeDecor AtermDecor
AddToDecor AtermDecor
+ TitleStyle HGradient 128 DeepSkyBlue4 black
Style AtermStyle UseDecor AtermDecor, Color white/grey50, HilightFore


mark the "Function" statement which does not appear in mikhaels example.
it's needed with my fvwm2 because otherwise fvwm2 thinks this should be
a command:

[FVWM][ExecuteFunction]: <<ERROR>> No such command 'InitializeDecor'

what's wrong?



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