FVWM: Re: The future of FVWM (was Re: Starting fvwm2 development)

From: Andrew Veliath <andrewtv_at_usa.net>
Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 01:33:11 -0300

..--==- Mon, 18 May 1998 16:27:12 -0400 (EDT),
..--==- Charles Hines (CH) mentioned (truncated version):

 CH) As of today I'm giving up being fvwm's maintainer.
 CH) Unfortunately I've finially decided to face facts and accept
 CH) that I don't currently have anywhere near the amount of time to
 CH) devote to fvwm that it should probably have. It was a painful
 CH) decision, but probably for the best (besides, I guess I can
 CH) still submit ideas and patches periodically).

 CH) That's enough rambling for now I guess. Please be kind and
 CH) understanding to the next maintainer. It's been fun.

 CH) Thanks, Chuck



It's sad to hear that you have decided to leave as fvwm2 maintainer.
It would be nice if Brady does takeover development, and Jason
mentioning CVS does sound like a good idea. I just hope fvwm2 doesn't
splinter (at least not with the same name fvwm).

Please do drop in occasionally though so we don't suffer from
withdrawal symptoms :-).

Best regards,

        Andrew Veliath
	andrewtv_at_usa.net, veliaa_at_rpi.edu
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Received on Tue May 19 1998 - 00:39:40 BST

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