Re: FVWM: EdgeScroll

From: Tomas Ogren <>
Date: Sun, 10 May 1998 22:39:04 +0200

On 10 May, 1998 - Felix Klee sent me these 0.6K bytes:

> Hi,
> I am using fvwm2 with LINUX and XFree86.
> I put the following in my .fvwm2rc:
> DeskTopSize 3x3
> EdgeScroll 25 25
> However sometimes if I move the mouse to the border of the screen
> scrolling does *not* work. I experienced the same problem on both
> a SUSE machine and a RedHat 5.0 machine. Does anyone know how to
> avoid this problem?

  The only time I've experienced this is when a Netscape
Navigator/Communicator window is exactly at the edge (could be all motif
apps, haven't checked and can't do that right now..). This is the same
for all platforms I've tested (Linux XF86, Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6,
AIX4.2, AIX4.3) with Fvwm2.0.40 - 2.0.26 ..
  The remedy I've found is to move the window 5 pixels or so away from
the edge.. See if that helps you too..

Tomas Ögren,,
|- Student of Computer Engineering at the University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at
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Received on Sun May 10 1998 - 15:39:33 BST

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