Re: FVWM: fvwm2: Please don't shoot (offensive win95 subject matter)

From: brian moore <>
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 10:16:18 -0700

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 12:06:08PM -0400, Paul D. Smith wrote:
> Someone posted a graphical tool for modifying window manager
> configurations, that supported fvwm2. You couldn't do everything, of
> course, but you could do a reasonable amount of stuff. I haven't used
> it and I forget the name, but you might consider that.

The Dotfile Generator? There's also FvwmConf. The first is in Tcl/Tk,
the second in Perl/Tk.

> Anyway, I don't think most of this is correctly discussed in the fvwm
> mailing lists; the right place to solve them isn't by adding more code
> to fvwm, but creating tools which more seemlessly integrate existing
> apps--this is a "desktop" concept. I think you should go look at Gnome
> and/or KDE, and see what they're up to.

Well, the discussion here should be 'what is lacking from the module
interface to allow this', I think. I'm reading over the X11::Fvwm
docs and can't think of anything offhand that would stop .fvwm2rc from
being just:

AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module FvwmPerlConfig
AddToFunc RestartFunction "I" Module FvwmPerlConfig

(or fvwmpython, or whatever....)

The Fvwm-insert-language-here-Config can build the menus, shove in
modules, retrieve a (hopefully cached :)) list of programs that it
wants to add to your menus, etc.

I think the main thing that needs to be done is a demonstration of
that, hopefully done in a portable way so that people can swap configs
of 'Looks' without having to install a ton of software and have menus
that reflect the software installed on their system.

In playing with Fvwm2 and AfterStep, the main things I'd like to see
for Fvwm2 would be 'nameable' Buttons, so that you could define a
button named 'Shade-Me' and have it be tied to Button4 on one config
and then move it to Button3 on another without having to run everything
through M4 or cpp.

Other than that, it's quite cool what you can do with the 'Read' command
and some standard functions like 'CleanUp' that delete all the special
things from a given config. (I like AfterStep's "Look" and "Feel"
sets of menus and wanted to do something similar, but have it be more
complete: including moving buttons around, not just changing their

Oh, yeah, and maybe allow 'DestroyStyle *' to nuke all the styles. :)

Brian Moore                             Kill A Spammer For Jesus
Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker, Usenet Vandal 
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