FVWM: Re: Tcl, fvwm, etc.

From: Jim Crigler <criglerj_at_acm.org>
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 20:13:19 -0500 (CDT)

>>>>> TMA == <tma_at_nettest.dk> writes:

 TMA> > My suggestion would be to look at ``slang'', which I believe
 TMA> > is some sort of C-interpreter. I don't know how good it is,
 TMA> > but it is used in the ``jed'' editor for example.

 TMA> These are undoubtably better languages than TCL, at least from a
 TMA> "pure" language design point-of-view, but, then the current
 TMA> configuration files will not be compatible with the new ones.

 TMA> Maybe it is just me that want the configuration files to be
 TMA> backward compatible... If that is not an issue, then I would use
 TMA> perl. My main reasons for this is the large base of modules for
 TMA> perl and especially perl/tk that would enable lots of new
 TMA> possiblities... An perl is multi-threaded!!!

And in another message continued:

 TMA> As I have written elsewhere, my main reason for using TCL as the
 TMA> new configuration language, we to provide backward compability
 TMA> wit hthe current configuration files. If that isn't an issue,
 TMA> then we could use perl.... (see followup to Brian More for some
 TMA> of the reasoning for this).

Perl can parse anything. What's the problem?

Jim Crigler   (407)850-9677 | Crown Him with many crowns
4053 Summerwood Avenue      | as thrones before him fall;
Orlando FL 32812-7941       | Crown Him ye kings who rule the earth
criglerj_at_acm.org            | for He is the King of all!
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