FVWM: FvwmIconMan bug?: selected 'window' drifting away from the mouse

From: Chris Siebenmann <cks_at_hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 18:45:33 -0500

 In FvwmIconMan, it is possible to have the selected window in an icon
manager drift so that it is not the 'window' under your mouse; when this
happens, mouse clicks and stuff cause things to happen to it instead
of to the window under your mouse. There seems to be no way to force
FvwmIconMan to select the window under one's mouse short of moving the
mouse to another bit of the icon manager and back (or to move the mouse
out of the icon manager entirely and back in).

 The easiest way to provoke this sort of drifting is to have sorting on
and to have a window (perhaps the currently selected window) change its
title automatically and thus get resorted, perturbing the order around.
The selected window remains selected, even if resorting takes it out
from under the mouse.

 I am not certain if this behavior is a bug (although if it isn't
considered one, I think that it's at least confusing and odd). If it
isn't, I think it is a problem that there doesn't seem to be an action
function that will force the selected window to be the one under the
mouse ('select' seems to select the already selected window).

        - cks
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Received on Thu Feb 26 1998 - 17:46:04 GMT

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