FVWM: fvwm2 startup problem from xdm

From: C R Johnson <iamcliff_at_ix.netcom.com>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 02:10:09 +0000

I am using Fvwm Version 2.0.46 on linux.

I can login from the console and startx, and fvwm2 with no

When I set the runlevel to 5, and try to use xdm for login,
I cannot login to my user accounts - fvwm fails to start.

An .FVWM2-errors file is generated with a bunch
of cryptic errors like this:

[FVWM][executeModule]: <<ERROR>> No such module
'^?ELF^A^A^A' in ModulePath '/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm2'

and on and on with random non-printable garbage as non found

Can somebody here tell me whats going on and how to fix it?

thank you,

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