RE: FVWM: CustomPlacement

From: Bob Woodside <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 09:17:06 -0500 (EST)

On 30-Jan-98 A.J.vanWerven wrote:
> Fvwm always places my windows for me.
> is there a way (I was thinking of a Style property) to realize
> that I can manually place a window when it comes up ?


            Style "*" DumbPlacement, ActivePlacement

If you like to use both on occasion, you can create a couple of functions
in your fvwm2rc, like these that I use, so you can switch back and forth:

    AddToFunc SetSmart
    + "I" Style "*" SmartPlacement, RandomPlacement
    + "I" Recapture

    AddToFunc SetDumb
    + "I" Style "*" DumbPlacement, ActivePlacement
    + "I" Recapture


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