Re: FVWM: Fvwm Styles geting lost

From: Michael Tiefenback <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 22:41:20 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998, Richard A. Guay wrote:

> I have the following lines in my .fvwm2rc file (version 2.0.46):
> Style "*" NoIcon
> Style "XFMail" Icon, NoIconTitle, Iconbox 0 0 10 10
> The first instance of XFMail seems to work fine with this definition; but if I
> exit XFMail and then restart it, it no longer works as expected (ie no icon
> displayed). To get it to work again, I have to launch FvwmTalk, type in the
> style line for XFMail, and then type recapture.

I noted the followups, but no one asked whether the window parameters
(class, name) were the same for the two invocations of XFMail. Are they?
If not, then you might get the two behaviors. And you might have some
race-like condition from issuing some Style commands, invoking XFMail, and
then reissuing some Style commands, so that the first XFMail is invoked
with different Style flags than later ones. The question of whether the
invocation is different for the two instances is also interesting.

Michael Tiefenback

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Received on Wed Jan 21 1998 - 21:37:18 GMT

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