Re: FVWM: Releasing Mouse bindings under fvwm 2.0.46

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 16:01:36 -0500

Ted Faber <faber_at_ISI.EDU> writes:
> Hi, folks.
> I have a problem unbinding mouse keys from fvwm which looks to be a
> bug to me, but I wanted to know if I'm missing something. First a
> little context, then the relevent fvwm2rc bits, then the bug
> description. I'm running fvwm-2.0.46 on Solaris 5.5.1 on a Sparc
> Ultra-1. The X server is Openwindows-3.0.
> I bind modified mouse presses (e.g. ctrl-button-1) to fvwm functions
> (iconify, raise, lower) in application window contexts. Bunches of
> these "newfangled" programs want to use these events for themselves.
> Rather than rewire my head and hands to use something else I want to
> turn these mouse bindings on and off in fvwm. The relevent exerpts
> from my fvwm2rc are:
> AddToFunc EnableMouseInWindow "I" Mouse 1 W S Raise
> + "I" Mouse 2 W S Beep
> + "I" Function WMMenu "fvwm Mouse Off" "Function DisableMouseInWindow"
> + "I" Recapture
> The behavior I'd like is for windows to get the button events that
> don't have bindings. In any case I think all windows should recieve
> the same events.
> If this is a bug, I'd like to get it on the bug list. I don't have
> the time or fvwm coding experience to patch this easily.

For this to be a bug, fvwm2 would have to be in conflict with its
documentation. I think the relevant part is "recapture" from "man

          Causes fvwm to recapture all of its windows. This
          ensures that the latest style parameters will be used.
          The recapture operation is visually disturbing.

Notice that "recapture" affects "styles", but not key and mouse

I think keys and buttons are associated with windows when the window
is originally created in "add_window.c", in the functions "GrabKeys"
and "GrabButtons".

Still, it seems like this might be useful functionality for fvwm2, so
you never know, someone might decide to tackle this, now that you've
identified what you'd like to do...

> Please cc me on replies, I'm not subscribed to the fvwm discussion
> list.
Just this once...
> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ted Faber

Dan Espen                                Phone: (732) 699-5570
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