FVWM: decorations in fvwm2

From: Ildefonso Junquero Martin-Arroyo <junquero_at_sainsel.es>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:10:12 +0100


        I'm using FVWM v 2.0.46, and I want transient windows to have only
title and border, no resize handles, no menu, no minimize and no
maximize buttons.

        How can I do this by configuration file, and how can I remove
decorations using XmNmwmDecorations or similar in my program.

 	          Ildefonso Junquero        work : junquero_at_sainsel.es
    ___    __o	  Software Engineer
   ____  _'\<,_   Sainsel Sistemas Navales S.A.
 ______ (*)/ (*)  C/ Manuel Velasco Pando, N. 7
		  41007 Sevilla (Spain)
   Go faster!	  Phone : +34-5-457 36 91
  Use the byke!   Fax   : +34-5-457 93 62   home : junquero_at_arrakis.es
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