FVWM: Announcement: Fvwmconf 0.18 Interactive configuration of fvwm2

From: G John Lapeyre <lapeyre_at_newton.physics.arizona.edu>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 14:47:16 -0700 (MST)

        Fvwmconf is an graphical interface to configure the fvwm2 window
manager. It reflects changes immediately . Colors, fonts, images , etc.
are selected via tools by pointing and clicking. When the windows look
OK, you click save.

        Fvwmconf is written in perl/Tk .

        It has run successfully on linux and sparc boxes. (others ?)

        See the page


        for details. It is available on some European sites and is on
sunsite and mirrors.
        If you have trouble finding a fast link, mail me.

        See the changelog on the web page if you have an older version.
It is the only source for determining which new features are available.
(Except for downloading and reading the help)

        This is a good time to announce, as development will slow for a
while except for bugs that may crop up. (Unless someone else gets
involved !)

        I really don't know if the release is alpha or omega. From my
site there have been 1100 downloads of the code. All of the reported
installation bugs have been removed. The number 0.18 was chosen because
it is the 18th public release.

G John Lapeyre <lapeyre_at_physics.arizona.edu>
Tucson,AZ http://www.physics.arizona.edu/~lapeyre

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Received on Wed Dec 10 1997 - 15:48:44 GMT

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