FVWM: 1.24 or 2.x ?

From: Nidhogg <Nidhogg_at_mnd-net.no>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 23:13:00 +0100


I'm new to this list and to linux in general, but I suppose this would be
the right place to ask this :)
I recently installed Linux (Redhat 4.2), and I've decided to start with the
fvwm window manager, as I understand it's easy to work with, yet highly
What I'm wondering is, should I use 1.24 or the latest 2.x ? As 1.24 is the
latest "official" version, that's what I have. But does 2.x use the same
configurations ? Like, can I use the old config options + new ones, or are
the two versions not 100% compatible ? Also, are there a lot of bugs in 2.x ?

Thanks for any advice and guidance into the wonderfull world of linux :)

               _ _ _
  ______ ___(_) | | | http://www.blood-runs-deep.org/nidhogg/
  \_ \ /_ \_ __| | |__ ___ __ _ __ _
   / /\ \ / /| |/ _` | `_ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _` | Nidhogg_at_mnd-net.no
/\/ /_ \ \/ / | | (_| | | | | (_) | (_| | (_| | Nidhogg_at_bigblue.no
\____/ /___/ |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/ \__ |\__ | SortEngel_at_hotmail.com
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