FVWM: Multi-head/screen display

From: Paul Robert Hayes <hayes_at_lcse.umn.edu>
Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 00:24:02 -0600

I am attempting to run fvwm on a multi-graphic head SGI Challenge
machine. Unfortunately, fvwm when it starts up does not appear to
recognize the multiple displays....

Do you have any ideas?

I have attempted to login to one head without starting fvwm. Then I
login to the first head (display:0.0) and start fvwm. Unfortunately,
fvwm does not grab the first head.

There does not appear to be a way to add a head on-the-fly either.
Login into one head and then later restart and add in another
display/graphic head.

In actuality, this may be a different situation than previously
encountered since both screens have login screens and may be used
independently as opposed to a system, with only one mouse and keyboard
and two physical screens.

Why do I like FVWM? Cause I can tell it EXACTLY how I want to work
AND I can change over time as opposed to other systems having it the
other way around!

Paul Robert Hayes
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Received on Sun Nov 30 1997 - 00:25:29 GMT

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