Re: FVWM: goodstuf buttonbar and IconMan

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 13 Nov 1997 14:21:52 -0700

David Wren-Hardin <> writes:

> Hmm, odd, I don't think this is it, since the only copy of fvwm, either
> 1 or 2, on this system is the one I installed, so there shouldn't be old
> copies lying around. But I'm about to do a reinstall with fvwm-2.0.46, so
> we'll see if that helps.
> Is there anyway to check the version of a module?

Just run FvwmIconMan and it will print out an error message like:

*FvwmIconMan Version 1.0 should only be executed by fvwm!

 Brady Montz
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Received on Thu Nov 13 1997 - 15:22:22 GMT

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