Re: FVWM: FvwmWinList is shifting left on me

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 04 Nov 1997 18:02:39 +0100

>>>>> On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Sullivan N Beck said:

  Sullivan> I run the FvwmWinList module and the window list is not
  Sullivan> touching any of the desktop borders (i.e. it's right in
  Sullivan> the middle of the screen). Every time an item is added or
  Sullivan> removed from the list (i.e. every time a new window is
  Sullivan> created or a window is destroyed), the WinList shifts left
  Sullivan> one or two pixels. After a while, the WinList is
  Sullivan> overlapping other windows. Kind of annoying.

Try FvwmIconMan, which doesn't have the bug and is much better IMHO.

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