Re: FVWM: Netscape and ActivePlacement

From: Patrick K. <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 1997 20:10:37 -0700 (PDT)

Sometime in the late 1900s it was said:

> >>>>> On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Patrick K said:
> Patrick> Actually not even xterms listen to my .fvwm2rc configs! I
> Patrick> just assumed (till now) that if there are many windows open
> Patrick> on a certain desktop/workspace you get the ""
> Patrick> thingie with the ActivePlacement otherwise if there are no
> Patrick> windows open *any* window (even an xterm) will on
> Patrick> the top.left corner of my screen.
> This sounds like you have SmartPlacement turned on. SmartPlacement
> will look for an empty area on your screen where to put a window. If
> it doesn't find one, it gives up and ActivePlacement or
> RandomPlacement takes effect.

   Yea that is what one would expect, but the only place I have
   "SmartPlacement" defined is at:

      Style "Fvwm*" RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement

   which I do not believe would affect xterms nor netscape. Or have
   I mistaken??

   Thanks for the comments,

Patrick ...
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Received on Fri Oct 17 1997 - 22:08:51 BST

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