FVWM: 2.0.46 and the ColorLimit patch

From: Randy J. Ray <rjray_at_uswest.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 10:58:12 -0600

What is the status of the ColorLimit patch with regards to 2.0.46? IIRC, .46
rolled in my patches to "normalize" the M_WINDOWSHADE and M_MINI_ICON packets,
but not the ColorLimit patch. Besides needing the functionality (since I have
an 8-bit display), I need to know what to do in my next release of X11::Fvwm.
It saves the ColorLimit value if it sees it, but never uses it directly. Thus,
the library is not vulnerable. But I had been including the needed patches with
the release, and I need to know if the ColorLimit patch can even be applied
over 2.0.46.

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST IT, Inc.  Software Config Mgmt    Phone: (303)595-2869
                Denver, CO                                     rjray_at_uswest.com
"Reach up your hand, if your cup be empty/If your cup is full, may it be again"
                                                --Grateful Dead, "Ripple"
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