FVWM: Sticky Window Question

From: Brett Cooper <cooper_at_NU.cs.fsu.edu>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 1997 17:10:10 -0400 (EDT)

 I use a bunch of virtual desktops, for various functions. One desktop I
 use exclusivly for programming. On each screen I will have cpp and header
 files for a particular class for example, and a sticky xterm that I use to
 compile whenever any changes are made. But, when I go from the
 programming desktop to another, I don't want this sticky window to jump to
 the next desktop.
 So, after my ramblings, is there any way to get a sticky window to only
 stick on one desktop and non of the others?
 Brett Cooper
   If a negatively curved group G acts geometrically on two geodesic spaces
   X,Y, then the two spaces are naturally quasi-isometric to G via the orbit
   maps. The important point is that this quasi-isometry between X and Y
   extends to a G-equivariant homeomorphism between dX and dY.
   (I used to find stuff like this important)
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