Re: FVWM: How do I put decorative lines in titlebar?

From: Manfred Bartz <>
Date: 05 Oct 1997 22:31:34 +1000

Greg Fall <> writes:

> On 5 Oct 1997, Manfred Bartz wrote:
> > I have seen a fvwm2 titlebar design somewhere that uses a vertical
> > gradient and in addition 3 or four evenly spaced lines overlayed on
> > that. It gives a sort of ``knurled'' look.
> >
> > Does anyone know how to produce those lines?
> I think I can guess. What you may have seen is the combination of a
> sticky window and a vertical gradient. Maybe.

You're absolutely right. I didn't realize that since I don,t use
sticky windows much, and the ones that I do use don't have a titlebar.

So, does anyone know if I can have those lines for ``unsticky'' windows?

> Which leads me to a similar question. How do you use "TitleStyle
> VGradient" so that you get one gradient for unfocused windows and another
> for focused windows?

In the appropriate ``AddToDecor'' define something like this:
+ TitleStyle Inactive (VGradient 32 LightGoldenRod Black -- Raised)
+ TitleStyle ActiveUp (VGradient 32 LightGoldenRod Black -- Sunk)
+ TitleStyle ActiveDown (VGradient 32 Black LightGoldenRod -- Flat)

To change between ``convex'' and ``concave'' look, swap the colors.

Manfred Bartz <>
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Received on Sun Oct 05 1997 - 07:24:43 BST

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