FVWM: FVWM problem with Sun keyboards

From: Roozbeh Mehrabadi <roozbeh_at_ee.ubc.ca>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 1997 15:16:23 -0700 (PDT)

A question to the Sun users:

We recently upgraded to Solaris 2.5.1 (did not use any of the old Sun OS
stuff) and compiled FVWM 1.24r and 2.0.45 on them.

We are using two types of Sun Key boards, the enhanced type (with extra 4
arrow keys and 6 Inset,Home etc. keys) and the non-enhanced type (using num
pad as arrows and Home-PgUp etc.)

 On the old Os (there are still a few here) both keyboards functioned fine,
and the arrows on Num pad where active.

 On the solaris upgraded machines, when fvwm (1.24r) or fvwm2 (2.0.45) is run
the xterm shows X for every arrow key pressed on the Num pad keys (on the
none-enhanced keyboards), but work fine with the enhanced keyboards (we use
tcsh and uparrow suppose to print the previous command).

the kbd -t command reports: Type 4 Sun keyboard
for both keyboards. How and where could I modify the X settings for
keyboard keys (specially arrows etc.).

| Roozbeh Mehrabadi, University of British Columbia |
| roozbeh_at_ee.ubc.ca Department of Electrical Engineering |
| 2356 Main Mall, VLSI Lab (MCLD#332), |
| Vancouver B.C. V6T 1Z4, Fax:(604) 822-5949 Ph: (604) 822-6952 |

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Received on Fri Oct 03 1997 - 17:16:46 BST

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