FVWM: Setup and operation

From: Cliff Trapp <ctrapp_at_dogbert.geg.mot.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 07:16:33 -0700 (MST)

I recently set up fvwm2 on my Sparc 10 running Solaris 2.5.1.
First I compiled and installed xpm, and then fvwm2. I now have a fairly
crude desktop that I am trying to customize. I also installed
TKGoodStuff and it looks good but most of the icons don't do
anything. I think most of the .tkgrc was borrowed from someone who was
on a PC. At any rate, I am having the following issues:

When I exit fvwm, it kills the window manager, but does not exit me from
my session.

The background that I set manually with xpmroot needs to start up
automatically when I login.

I exit by finding all my processes and killing them.

How do I configure FvwmButtons?

How do I change the background colors for FvwmPager?

TIA for any pointers.

Cliff Trapp * ctrapp_at_dogbert.geg.mot.com

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Received on Fri Sep 26 1997 - 09:16:56 BST

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