FVWM: Re: Second alpha release of scwm

From: Bruce Stephens <B.Stephens_at_isode.com>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 13:36:31 +0100

dan_at_telent.net said:
> 1) sufficiently general window decoration primitives that I can have
> it look like (c)twm with SqueezeTitlebars set. Hey, I like them ...
> (Incidentally, gwm couldn't do this, as far as I could figure out)

fvwm2 can't yet do this. I'd guess the development for this ought to go in
core fvwm as well. On a more general point, how much does fvwm2 have to be
hacked to produce scwm? Is there something simple that could be done to fvwm
to help it to be modified in this way? It strikes me that perl users might
want to have fvwm configured using perl, for example.

dan_at_telent.net said:
> 2) ability to execute bits of scheme after the wm starts, so
> customisation isn't the endless edit-save-restart cycle that it seems
> to be on almost any other window manager.

fvwm can already do this, using its module interface. Perhaps that's
something that's nontrivial to convert to scheme, or perhaps it just hasn't
been a priority for the author. There are a couple of modules which allow
communication with fvwm and execution of almost arbitrary commands (I think
there are some which really do have to be done at wm startup, but perhaps I'm
wrong and all these have now been removed).

Come to think of it, couldn't the whole exercise be done by writing a fvwm2
module in guile which converted guile statements into fvwm2 and sent them?
(You'd need a minimal .fvwm2rc which started the module.) Parts of this
already exist for other languages.

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Received on Tue Sep 23 1997 - 07:37:58 BST

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