FVWM: Selected menus disappear

From: Thomas Voss <voss_at_or.uni-bonn.de>
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 1997 15:00:21 +0200 (MSZ)

>>>> Do you run autoraise? I do. I believe what is happening in my case is
>>>> that I mouse to a new window and hit a button. The pull-pull down menu
>>>> appears, then the auto-raise timer expires and raises the main window above
>>>> (infront) of the pull-down menu.
>>>> My solution : with my autoraise set to .5 seconds I usually wait out the
>>>> timer whenever I switch windows before hitting a button.

Hm, it definitely seems to deal with AutoRaise. But the behaviour does not
change even in I put a very short AutoRaise Time (even as short as 50 ms).

>>> The only solution so far
>>> is to keep the FvwmAuto timeout small (order of 100 msec), or wait a bit
>>> longer before pulling down a menu immediately after entering the window.

Unfortunately, this does not work either. It just seems to me that with
AutoRaise enabled, any first click on any application menu will raise it
immediately again. This also happens if I click somewhere else in the window
first, or on the title bar or on the "close" menu in the upper left of the

Bis dann, tv_at_su.maus.de (max. 16kB per day, please!)
Thomas voss_at_or.uni-bonn.de
                                Fax: +49-2225-945388

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