FVWM: Default window placementent

From: Ripalda-Marin, Miguel-Angel <maripalda_at_elasa.siemens.es>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 11:15:11 +0100

Hi everybody,

First of all I would like to say that we have just started to work with
fvwm2 and we are very happy about that. It has a great balance between
performance, flexibility and GUI possibilities. I have been browsing the
FAQs, .fvwm2rc sample files, mailing list archives and have some doubts that
I have not been able to solve.

We are trying to setup our fvwm2 window manager in the following way: we
want that every new window that is created by default has its upper-left
corner at (0,0) position... I would also like to know if we could set the
default initial size of each new window created.

The .fvwm2rc file at user's $HOME where I try to set up that default style
looks like follows:

# default Styles:
# Added by Miguel Angel Ripalda on December 19th, 2000
Style "*" BorderWidth 0, HandleWidth 0, notitle, nohandles
Style "*" Icon unknown1.xpm, Color lightgrey/dimgrey
Style "*" MWMFunctions, MWMDecor, HintOverride
Style "*" DecorateTransient, NoPPosition
Style "*" IconBox 0 -10 -280 -1
Style "*" FocusFollowsMouse
Style "*" RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement
Style "xdaliclock" StaysOnTop
Style "sxpm" StaysOnTop

Thanks in advance and kind regards

Miguel Ángel Ripalda Marín
Siemens Elasa S.A.
T, I + D Sistemas
Pol. Malpica, D-98 50016 Zaragoza, España
* (34) 976 760 300 ext. 405
* (34) 976 760 346
* maripalda_at_elasa.siemens.es

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