FVWM: fvwm 2.0.46 problems

From: Bob Mende Pie <mende_at_piecomputer.engr.sgi.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:53:14 -0700 (PDT)

I just built fvwm-2.0.46 on on a SGI O2 with a compiler that does extensive
code checking and found a HUGE number of warnings, variable usage remarks,
and one critical error. Since the build log is almost 200k (uncompressed)
I am not going to post it here. If you maintain any of the "default"
modules you probabaly want to get a copy of this. I am going to send a
copy directly to Chuck Hines. If you want a copy of it please contact me
and I will get you a copy of it.

The most important bug is that the type of PPosOverride in fvwm.c is
defined as a Boolean which is #defined to be an int and in events.c,
misc.c, and placement.c it is defined as a extern Bool. Changing the
declaration in fvwm.c fixed the problem.

Another source of warnings is that libs/Imakefile does not define

                    /Bob... mailto:mende_at_sgi.com
              http://reality.sgi.com/mende KF6EID
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