FVWM: Re: Fvwm and its own ColorMaps

From: Brian Sayatovic <bjs_at_iti-oh.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 1997 08:43:12 -0400

I was thinking about his. I believe it owuld be useful to have a tool, similar
to 'xcolor' (a mosaic of all f the colors in the colormap) that when a color is
clicked, it would cycle that color through an eye catching predetermined
pattern, showing outisde of its window where that color had been used. For
example, blicking on 'black' and all of the text in the Fvwm Menus and
ButtonBars, etc, would cycle colors indicating that they are e all using the
same color cell. Is anything liek this available? I'm going ot go out on a
limb and say this would be easy to write, even thoguh I have very limited X
experience in relation to colormaps.


|                                                           |
|  Brian Sayatovic                 (mailto:bjs_at_iti-oh.com)  |
| --------------------------------------------------------- |
|  International TechneGroup, Inc. (http://www.iti-oh.com)  |
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