Re: FVWM: FvwmGeom module

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 19 Aug 1997 07:01:03 -0700

Elad Eyal <> writes:

> Good morning,
> On 18 Aug 1997, Brady Montz wrote:
> > Since I haven't downloaded the module, I may be totally off base, but the
> > "I've still didn't figure out a good use to mouse button 3" sentence makes
> > me suspicious.
> You people really don't give a guy a break, do you? Configurability is
> naturally in the todo list. I thought the module's sketch needs to be
> portraited before all the details. (Which reminds me that aspect-ratio is
> still an open question)
> > The best thing to do is come up with a list of things you could possible do,
> Of course. Any ideas?

I'm sorry if I seem pushy. I'm just kinda teasing and wanting things to work
out well for this module. I just want to get my cents in before you decided on
a particular method for configurability :-).

As for ideas, they tend to come straggling in over time as new people discover
your module. It seems that each person has a quota of new ideas (even the
author), and after they start using the module, they will hopefully tell you
about them, and then you'll never hear from them again. That's why I was
pushing getting configurability in early, cause it puts you in a position
right off to "catch" these ideas.

I haven't had any new ideas lately (quota used up I guess). So I'll stick with
smart resizing/placement, switching to new desks/pages, warping to preset
geometries (ie, hitting left arrow while resizing stretches the left side of
the window all the way to the left side of screen), and remembering past
confiurations for each window so I can cycle through them while rubberbanding.

Oh, here's a new one: I sometimes want to make a window have the same size as
another window. I like my xterms uniform for example. I don't think this would
work with rubberbanding. All I'd want is a new cursor and after I click on the
window to use as a reference - poof my other window gets resized. The way I
see this working is by fvwm passing an argument to the module (just like how
some modules take "transient") to tell it what it has to do.

 Brady Montz
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