Hello all... To those of you that have cared enough to check out the fOX
homepage and write me about the problems with accessing it, I'd simply
like to say Thank you.
The truth is that I picked a really crappy time to announce the new
version of the page and it's location :) As soon as I made the
announcement, FIU telecom (the dept. that run's our T1 access and stuff)
announced that they'd be doing some major work over the week/weekend...
This coupled with some weird network problems on the computer science side
of the campus (to which I was a witness to and which cut me off from my
home directory) has left my homepage in a very unstable state.
If you can, please wait about a week for things to stabilize. The primary
site will still be:
however, if you REALLY want to see it, and you're having problems with the
above site, you can also visit:
The above is *NOT* to be confused with the primary site. It is only there
as proof-of-exhistance :) It will *NOT* be kept up to date and will prolly
be removed in a few weeks.
I have personally validated the two above addresses using non-FIU dns
servers... However, there may still be problems. FIU Telecom's goals are
usually to make all adjustments when people aren't using the networked
computers, which happens to be between semesters. Right now, FIU is
between semesters, and the new semester will start approximately 1 week
from when you receive this email (next monday). Therefore, if you could
just be a bit patient... I'm sure we've all had weird net probs at one
point or another ;)
--- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ------------+-----------
GAT d- s:+ !a C+(+++) UI/L/S/B++(+++) | "In the morning glad I see
P>+ L+(++) E---- W+++ N+ o? K? w++++ | My foe outstrech'd beneath the tree."
O--- M-- V PS+++_at_ PE Y-- PGP+ t++ 5 | -The Poison Tree
X++ R- tv+ b DI++ D+ G e>* h*(!) r- | William Blake
y*(+) ------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK -----+
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Received on Sun Aug 17 1997 - 20:36:49 BST