Re: FVWM: other meta key bindings

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 04 Aug 1997 18:36:58 +0200

>>>>> On Mon, 04 Aug 1997, Erwin J van Eijk said:

  Erwin> I would like to know if someone has been able to use other
  Erwin> keys as a meta key.

You can use xmodmap to tell any key to be Meta_L or Meta_R. But you
can't have more than one Meta_L key, likewise for Meta_R.

You can tell Fvwm to use other modifiers than Ctrl, Shift, Meta: use 1
to mean mod1, 2 for mod2 and so on. Type xmodmap -pk to see which
modifiers are active and what keys they have.

You can use xmodmap to tell any to that it's got the Meta modifier:

    xmodmap -e "add mod1 = Caps_Lock"

(Not that this example makes sense.)

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