FVWM: v2.0.45: Next [*] Focus fails with certain windows

From: Robert Bihlmeyer <robbe_at_orcus.priv.at>
Date: 08 Jul 1997 22:04:50 +0200


the "Next [*] Focus" command fails if the next window is one that
doesn't want the keyboard focus (xload, for example). This window is
not focused (this is right), but the focus is not changed at all
(which is wrong). As I use this command fairly often, it "halting" at
any unfocusable window is quite disturbing.

These windows should be skipped. The cleanest way would probably be a
"Focusable" attribute (akin to "iconic" or "CurrentDesk") which one
could search for. So

        Next [* CurrentDesk] Focus

would have to become

        Next [* Focusable CurrentDesk] Focus



Robert Bihlmeyer	reads: Deutsch, English, MIME, Latin-1, NO SPAM!
<robbe_at_orcus.priv.at>	<http://stud2.tuwien.ac.at/~e9426626/sig.html>
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Received on Tue Jul 08 1997 - 15:52:10 BST

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