FVWM: problems with IconBox and IconGrid

From: Perry Hutchison <phutchis_at_beaverton.windriver.com>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 11:22:37 -0800 (PST)

Given this entry in .fvwm2rc

Style "*" IconBox 320x80+1040+176, IconBox 560x160+1040+256, \
          IconFill top left, IconGrid 80 80

FVWM appears to apply the IconGrid specification only to the second
IconBox -- it tight-packs the icons in the first IconBox instead
of spacing them out. I have tried putting it all on one (long)
line instead of using an escaped newline, with the same result.

However, using this entry instead

Style "*" IconFill top left, IconGrid 80 80, \
          IconBox 320x80+1040+176, IconBox 560x160+1040+256

I get no IconBox behavior at all -- each icon appears at the upper
right corner of where its window was.

I want FVWM to fill the 320x80+1040+176 area left to right at a grid
spacing of 80, then fill the 560x160+1040+256 area left to right/top
to bottom at the same grid spacing. Is this possible? and if so,

Fvwm Version 2.2.4 compiled on Feb 4 2000 at 03:41:44
running on
Red Hat Linux 6.2 2.2.16 #9 SMP Thu Oct 26 15:03:24 PDT 2000 i686 unknown
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Received on Thu Feb 01 2001 - 13:22:21 GMT

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