FVWM: Hoping for some direction

From: Billy Mullins <bcmull00_at_cslab.uky.edu>
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 13:14:24 -0400 (EDT)

First I will appologize for asking a question not directly related to
fvwm. Sorry.

I'am hoping someone can help me with a problem concerning Xlib
programming, or at least direct me to someone that can.

The problem:

        XSelectEvents can be used so that mulitiple clients can select the
        same events on the same window, but it has several restrictions.
        The restriction that is currently giving me an itch is the one
        that says, "Only one client at a time can select a ButtonPress
        event." For the program I am trying to write I need another
        client to be able to intercept the events related to a disjoint
        client, without having to change the code of the client I am
        trying to intercept events from.

        Can anyone tell me if there is a way around this ButtonPress

        Billy Mullins

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