FVWM: fvwm code request(idea)

From: Jeremy Dinsel <dinselj_at_sighsy.cup.edu>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 20:20:04 -0400 (EDT)

I'm constantly pushing and pulling windows around and a thought had come
while doing so, recently. Since I am not a proficient coder yet, perhaps
one of the fvwm developers would care to adopt my idea--friction/slide; a
realistic way to "throw" a window.

For instance, I wish to take a window in screen A and move it to screen B
(to clear up clutter).. I drag the window and let go of the moose button
while it is still moving..moments later, it slows down and stops (as any
ordinary element would when obstructed by friction).

If this sounds wack.. It probably is. Is there a way to make a window move
to another screen easier than moving it, changing screens, moving it..?

Jeremy Dinsel
   Cal U Math and Computer
       Science World Wide Web 
  	   System Administrator
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