FVWM: Sorry, I didn't mean to provoke flaming!

From: David Spencer <david.spencer_at_bartley.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 1997 14:10:44 +0100

I seem to have been flamed for asking about TeX on AIX.

I realise it is off-topic which is why I prefixed the subject line with
"slightly off-topic", and I didn't realise that the group's tolerance
was below average (other groups I belong to are usually happy to help
when someone has tried to ask the right questions in the right order).

May I point any more potential flamers to my original message, to which
I have so far received _no_ helpful replies:

I'm a new arrival in the world of FVWM, Motif, X, AIX, RS6000s et al,
having been doing PC development for the last 6 years. I'd like to keep
the signal to noise ratio as low as possible; does anyone know of any
other mailing lists that might be useful to me so that I don't ask too
many irrelevant questions here?

I realise a simple web search will answer the question but a simple web
search is not simple for someone who only has email access!

Thanks in advance for any constructive replies.
Danger: this bagpipe is loaded!
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Received on Thu Jun 19 1997 - 14:09:08 BST

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