(no subject)

From: Armin Richter <y0005396_at_ws.rz.tu-bs.de>
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 11:18:02 +0200 (MET_DST)

Nice Greetings to everyone.

Maybe someone can help me:

I take part in a Project that develops
a module for fvwm2 2.0.43.

This module has to heavily move and resize X-Windows.
The resize shall be done in several smaller steps
(for optical reasons)
As the resize process takes much time
(at least too much for our ideas)
here's my question:

Is there a possibility to temporarily stop
X or fvwm from sending refresh messages to
windows (until the resize process has completed entirely)?

Of course I could patch fvwm, but maybe there's
a possibility without changing it.

Thank you very much for every hint.

Yours sincerely,
Armin Richter

K. Armin Richter <y0005396_at_ws.rz.tu-bs.de>
Student TU Braunschweig Uni Hildesheim is alive!
PGP-public-key upon request Key fingerprint: 1997/02/02
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