FVWM: CDE timing problem

From: Graeme McCaffery <Graeme.McCaffery_at_astro.cf.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 13:01:24 +0100 (BST)

sorry about this again. I'm sure that those without sodding CDE will be sick of
this by now, but it's a real pain to me.

summary: change window manager on CDE with
                *wmStartupCommand: in .Xdefaults file

then cde runs as it would with dtwm (native win man) except that on key/mouse
presses will be accepted for quite some time. dtwm has no problem with this at
all. it only occurs when the window manager is changed.

things I've noticed: substituting olwm with fvwm (in the openwin option) does
not set the enviroment properly. using the script sessionetc in .dt/sessions
does not change the problem as it occurs before sessionetc is executed.

therefore CDE is waiting for something that dtwm does which other win man don't

does anyone know how to resolve this?


(p.s. I'm having trouble posting to newsgroups. could someone post this for me)

email: G.McCaffery_at_astro.cf.ac.uk
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Received on Mon May 12 1997 - 07:08:43 BST

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