From: Carvel Baus <rcb_at_fep9>
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 09:06:20 -0400

>>>>> "Graeme" == Graeme McCaffery <> writes:

Graeme> At the moment I'm stuck with the dtwm manager because I'm
Graeme> trying to figure out why the cursor lingers when I use fvwm
Graeme> with CDE.

Graeme> could someone please investigate this as I'm utterly clueless.
Graeme> it would be nice if there is some easy fix.

Graeme> Graeme

Graeme> -- email: -- Visit the official
Graeme> FVWM web page at <URL:>. To
Graeme> unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm" in the body
Graeme> of a message to To report problems,
Graeme> send mail to

I ran into the same problem with CDE on Solaris 2.5.1. To fix this I
placed the following line in my ~/.dt/sessions/sessionetc file:

xpmroot /usr/local/include/X11/pixmaps/background5.xpm &

or something like

xsetroot -bitmap new_spegetti.bmp -fg "#880000" -bg "#480000"

It seems that setting the root window returns the cursor to normal
when it is done.

I hope this helps,
R. Carvel Baus Tel: 919-790-3342
Fujitsu Network Communications, Inc. Fax: 919-713-1100
Software Design Switching Division
4403 Bland Rd, Somerset Park
Raleigh NC, 27609 Email:

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Received on Wed May 07 1997 - 08:07:59 BST

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