FVWM: Default Mail program

From: Robert Jordan <robert_at_pacnet.com>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 18:01:17 -0700 (PDT)

I'm working with RedHat 4.1 and am trying to configure the
default MenuTaskBar mail program to Pine instead of /bin/mail.

The little mail icon pops up via 'biff' in the lower right hand corner,
and when I click on it it executes /bin/mail.

I have been able to configure most other applications in the
/etc/X11/TheNextLevel directory, however I have not been able to find
the file which holds the command that is executing this program to change
it from mail to pine.

If anyone could point me in the correct direction I would be greatly

Thanks in advance,

-=Robert Jordan=-

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