FVWM: Compiling 2.0.45 on SCO 5.0.2

From: Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_ny.frontiercomm.net>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 12:58:25 -0400

>>>>> "Maxwell" == Maxwell Spangler <maxwell_at_clark.net> writes:

    Maxwell> I'm stuck on fvwm/add_window.c, anyone care to offer
    Maxwell> advice ? THANKS

    Maxwell> cc -b elf -X a -a ansi -I. -I../libs -Dsco -DSYSV
    Maxwell> -DUSEDECOR -DWINDOWSHADE -DXPM -c add_ window.c
    Maxwell> "add_window.c", line 225: error: invalid token:
    Maxwell> ->TitleHeight "add_window.c", line 225: warning: improper

It looks like your C preprocessor is not expanding the GetDecor macro
properly, or that something is interfering with it's expansion. It
should work, so please check to see how the macro at screen.h:332: is
expanding. Also, see how it compiles without -DUSEDECOR (it will use
an alternate but simpler macro which will limit you to a single
decor), and if possible, obtain preprocessor output with and without
the -DUSEDECOR define (this is usually possible with a compiler

Good luck,

Andrew Veliath <veliaa_at_ny.frontiercomm.net>
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Received on Fri Apr 25 1997 - 11:58:37 BST

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