Re: FVWM: M_MINI_ICON packets

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 09:27:21 -0400

>>>>> "R" == Randy J Ray <> writes:

>> tkgoodstuff (of which I am author) has a tcl fvwm2 library. I would love to
>> have mini-icon file names included in the M_MINI_ICON packet.

R> What I am beginning to wonder is the status of 2.0.46, or whatever
R> is to follow upon 2.0.45.

It will be 2.0.46, since a few more things still need to be cleaned up
before 2.1.0 can be put out there.

As for it's status, I've done a little on it, but not enough yet.

Why, you ask? To elaborate slightly on FAQ question #34 for this
particular situation, I've been insanely busy with work, my martial
arts school, repairs & upgrades to my home computer, getting ill
(which has been happening all too often this past year), going out of
town to visit family, having all 4 wisdom teeth removed (which
actually went quite well), etc., and haven't quite had a chance to
finish up what I wanted to get in there (and been real quiet on the
lists, as I'm sure people have noticed).

But...things are looking up right now and I hope to have some time in
the next couple of weeks to finish some stuff and finially get it out,
as it has been a while (and I really want to sit down and do some work
on it), but as always I make no guarantees...

R> I'd be happy to work up a patch for the M_MINI_ICON packet that
R> standardizes the integer args, leaves in the X ID for C
R> programmers, and still adds on the name for the rest of us (I
R> believe the mini-icon name is stored in the window struct, so that
R> will be easy enough).

R> What I am nervous about is that with the variety of patches
R> floating around-- my windowshade packet patch, the ColorLimit
R> patch, etc.--

Well, as I often like to say and put int the FAQ a while back, not all
patches that get submitted get into the distribution, but I do agree
with your patches to standardize the last few module packets and have
no problems with adding the filename to the mini icon packet. As for
the colorlimit patch, I'll have to look at that one again. Right now
I don't recall what my feelings were about it when it was first

But I have all of the submitted patches lying around and will try to
look into most of them for 2.0.46. Some of them have already been
integrated and/or added to my list to investigate.

R> isn't it about time a new "official beta" was cobbled together?

As soon as I get a chance. Remember, they say that patience is a
virtue, and good things come to those who wait. :)

Now, I must get back to work...


Charles K. Hines <>
IBM Logic Synthesis Developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

         "Go back to sleep, Chuck. You're just havin' a nightmare
             -- of course, we ARE still in Hell." (Gary Larson)
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