Re: FVWM: Re: Exec vs. exec

From: Randy J. Ray <>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 1997 11:29:24 -0600

> I'm somewhat late into this thread, but I think that the two primitives
> should be:
> Shell makes a subshell
> Exec forks a subshell with an implicit 'exec', or even just fork
> a process with no shell at all. The fvwm command should
> mirror the behavior of the shell command by that name,
> because that's what people will expect it to do.
> 3 is overkill, but one is not enough.

This would be disastrous, as it would break existing rc files that use Exec
expecting it to spawn a shell as it has done thus far. *If* a new keyword is
added, it has to reference the new functionality, not break the existing

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST Technologies IAD/CSS/DPDS         Phone: (303)595-2869
                Denver, CO                           
"It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." --Calvin
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