FVWM: Re: FvwmButtons: Swallowed apps and Actions

From: Kai Grossjohann <grossjohann_at_charly.cs.uni-dortmund.de>
Date: 10 Apr 1997 11:22:15 +0200

>>>>> Kai Grossjohann writes:

  Kai> Also, if you had an xbiff that could ignore certain mails (such
  Kai> as those from the Debian mailing list) I'd be very glad.

Well, the answer is RTFM. The standard xbiff can do this :-) There
is an X ressource "checkCommand" which I set to the following shell
script, and now xbiff is ignoring Debian mails :-)

| #!/bin/sh
| if ( from | egrep -v 'debian' >/dev/null 2>&1 )
| then
| exit 0;
| else
| exit 2;
| fi

Obviously it is very easy to customize.

I'd still like to have a list of messages, though, preferrably by
pressing the button that has swallowed xbiff.

Why doesn't the sun come out at night when the light would come in handy?
(Terry Pratchett)
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Received on Thu Apr 10 1997 - 04:22:31 BST

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