Some time in the last year, Henrique Martins posted a patch that
"fixed" this. Here's some URLs on the subject in the mailing list
That was the first posting (as far as I can tell) of that patch. I
don't know if there were any updates.
That one is a jumbo patch to 2.0.42 that includes the window move
patch, but you probably don't want the whole thing since some of the
features were included in later releases in different ways. However,
if there were any changes to the patch in question, this is, I think,
the latest instance of it.
The last two describe a problem that I also experienced. It appears
to be a bad interaction with the openwin server since other X servers
seem to work OK according to other messages in the thread.
Also, note that the patch in question was designed for 2.0.42. I have
no idea if it'll patch cleanly to 2.0.45.
Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
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Received on Mon Apr 07 1997 - 08:56:07 BST